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oe eS by iA Pee




W. Ef. MISKEIN, -F.L.S., F.E.S.



PREFACE eee ooe ooe eee @ee @oe

List of AUTHORS QUOTED... ie aes


Minin, Ne on ee te

PAPILIONIDE te a hae Beh oe PAPILIONINE fe nae oa Ba


PIERINE sees hess os on ie

NYMPHALIDE es Bel ae ane nee DANAINE wee ae ie ah ae SATYRINE ea oe oa. Meare aK ACREINE res Be ome ane AE

NYMPHALINE eee eee ooe ®oo


ERyYCINIDZ#... rae re se sui Ane

LIBYTHEINE he aa Pe a LYcENIDE i be oat se ni HEsPERIDE ae se fe a3) Pa List of REPuTED SPECIES oy: oer ee SUPPLEMENT sad fe vee oes tas

INDEX oo oon e008 908 Cx) 000



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For many years I have had in contemplation the publishing of a reliable list of the Australian Butterflies known to science, embracing the full synonymy of and reference to each species, and have been steadily accumulating the material necessary to the fulfilment of this object. Want of time, however, but more espe- cially the difficulty of reference to the mass of literature requiring to be consulted, through the former paucity of entomological works in the colonies (a want that has, however, of more recent years been gradually surmounted by the very considerable-development of the various local museum scientific libraries), has hitherto proved a bar to my intention.

I now feel that I may with confidence make available to fellow- workers in this branch of zoology the benefit.of over twenty years’. study of the subject in Queensland and of some experience in other of the colonies, and supply a want that I am sure has been felt.

The only attempt of the kind is the catalogue published some years since by Mr. Geo. Masters, then of the Australian Museum, Sydney, and this was far from being a complete work upon the subject. | |

It is now thirteen years since the admirable work of Mr. W. F. Kirby was completed by the publication of his ‘Supplement to the Synonymic Catalogue of the Diurnal Lepidoptera of the World” ; and since then many new species have been described, and many others identified as Australian, not before known to occur in this country ; it is fully time, therefore, that our known species should be brought up to date, and the work of more recent authors added to that of those already catalogued, and the embodiment of the species of so well defined a region as the Australian continent secured in one list.

I only regret that it is out of my power at the present time to extend my present publication to a full descriptive work on the subject, and make use of the mass of observations that has accumu- lated in my notebooks upon the life-history of many of the species. This must, however, stand over for a future time.

It is, I suppose, ineumbent upon me to offer some remark upon the reason that induces me to adhere to the older arrangement in position of the families, in preference to that adopted by almost

aig! gas PREFACE.

every recent author. I do not, however, intend to enter into an argument here upon the most correct order in which to place them ; it will be sufficient for me to say that in following the system that has been familiar to me from childhood I have carefully considered the reasons advanced by various authors in support of the newer arrangement, and my mind has failed to be convinced of a sufficient cause to justify the change.

With the genera I have interfered very little; I have in many instances preferred to retain names which, although not claiming precedence by priority of date, have become so familiar by long use as to make it inexpedient in my opinion to discard them,

Especially with regard to the Hrsprrip® is the arrangement of the genera provisional. I have been unable to refer to the recent work of Mabille,* Speyer,t and Plotzt in the diagnosing of this family.

I declare myself an uncompromising opponent of the species makers, and there are many names still in my list that I felt at the time strongly tempted to sink as synonyms, and some more that I feel convinced will have to be struck out in the future and treated as varietal forms only. A number of species—more especially amongst the Hesper1pm®—to descriptions of which I have been unable to refer, will doubtless prove to be ones that I have since described, so that the total number of species will probably bear considerable reduction.

I cannot avoid here remarking that I think the practice of hastily describing as a new species an insect that the author has seen but a single example of, possessing no local knowledge of the fauna from whence it is derived, is much to be deprecated, as calculated to simply cumber the literature and render the identification of the species troublesome and complicated, conse- quently retarding rather than advancing the interests of science. But still worse is it when persons entirely ignorant of the literature of the subject, from a mere desire to have their names appear in type, recklessly publish descriptions of alleged new species, regardless of the work of a century, without the possibility of knowing whether the specimen is already described or not; of such it is to be deplored. we are unhappily not free.

In giving the localities of the various species in my catalogue, it will be observed that I refer in almost every instance to the

* Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1877. + Stett. Ent, Zeit. 1878, t Stett, Ent, Zeit, 1879,


coast line. It is a peculiarity of our Lepidopterous (Rhopalocera) fauna that it is almost entirely restricted to the coast country ; a very few species, comparatively speaking, frequenting the country beyond the Dividing Range, say 100 miles from the sea, and I do not know of a single species that is not found within fifty miles of the sea.

It will be apparent from the context that I limit my Australian region to the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania, and a few islands in Torres Straits adjacent to the mainland.

I give a complete Bibliography, and I think it will be found that very few, if any, works containing notices of our fauna have been omitted. Many works are still inaccessible to me, but these comprise almost exclusively European periodicals containing but scattered references, and to but a few species.

The species which are reputed to be Australian, but in support of which the evidence is not conclusive, I include in a list, together with those known to have been located as Australian by mistake, at the end.

W. H. M. Brisbane, November, 1890.




ABB. AND SmitH.—John Abbott and Jas. Edwd. Smith. Lep. of Georgia. AvRIvitL.—P. O. C. Aurivillius. Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl.; Ofv. Vet. Ak. Fork.

Batzrs.—Hy. W. Bates. Jour. Ent.; Trans. L. Soc. Zool.

Brere.—Johan Andreas Benignus Bergstrasser. Nomencl.

Brii1z.—Gust Joa. Billberg. Enum. Insect.

Biancu.—Emile Blanchard. Voy. Pole Sud.; Hist. Nat. Ins.

Bots.—Jean Alphonse Boisduval. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.; Faun. Mad.; Gen. et Ind, Meth.; Sp. Gen.; Voy. Astr. Lep.; Voy. dans l’Oceanie.

Bots. anp Lrec.—J. A. Boisduval and John E. Leconte. Lep. Am. Sept.

Bovug.—Baron de Bougainville. Voy. Thet.

Buru.—Arthur Gardiner Butler. Ann. N. H.; B. M. Cat. Fab. Lep.; Cat. Sat. B. M.; Cist. Ent.; Cruise Curagoa; Ent.; Ent. M. Mag.; Lep. Ex.; Lep. N.Z.: Proc. Z. Soc.; Trans. E. Soc.; Trans. L. Soc. Zool.

Crenv.—Jean Chas. Chenu. Enc. D’Hist. Nat. Pap. Diur, CrercK.—Chas. Alex. Clerck. Icones.

Cox.—H. Ramsay Cox. Entomol.

Cram.—Pierré Cramer. Pap. Ex.

CuvieR.—Geo. Leop. Fred. Cuvier. Tabl. Elem.

Datm.—Johann Wilhelm Dalman. Anal. Ent.; Kong. vet. Acad, Hand.

Drckens.—Baron Carl Claus von der Decken. Reisen.

Dr Haan.—Willem de Haan. Verh. Nat. Ges. Ned. overz. bez.

De Nic.—Lionel de Nicéville. Jour. A. Soc. Beng.; Butt. Ind.

De Prun.—L. De Prunner. Lep. Ped.

Dist.—W. L. Distant. Rhop. Malay.

Doxu.—W. Doherty. Jour. A. Soc. B.

Doy.—Edward Donovan. Ins. China; Ins. India; Ins. N. H.; Nat. Rep.

Dovst.—Edwd. Doubleday. Ann. N. H.; Gen. D. L.; List. Lep. B. M.; Stokes Aust.

D. and H.—Doubleday and Hewitson. Gen. D. L. ;

D. H. anp W.—Doubleday, Hewitson, and Westwood. Gen. D. L.

Drap.—aA. Drapiez. Ann. Sc. Physc. Brux.

Druce.—H. Druce. Proc. Z. Soc.

Drvu.—D. Drury. Ill. Ex. Ent.

Dur.—Philogene Auguste Joseph Duponchel. Cat. Lep. F,


Epw.—Hy. Edwards. Vic. Nat. Etwes.—H.I. Elwes. Proc. Z. Soe. iNys.— = Cat. Butt. N.Z. Escu.—Johann Freiderich Escholtz. Kotzeb Reise. Esp.—Eugene Johann Christoph Esper. Aus. Schmett.; Gesch. Eur. Schmett. ; ~ Schmett. , ; Fas.—Johann Christian Fabricius. Ent. Syst.; Gen. Ins.; Ill. Mag.; Mant. Ins. ; Syst. Ent.; Sp. Ins.; Wien. Verz. Fristu.—Joaq. Fre. P. Feisthamel. Rev. Zool. 7 : ‘FELD.—Cajetan Felder. Diag. Lep.; Neues Lep.; Reise Nov. Lep.; Sitzb. Ak Wiss. Wien. Math. Nat.; Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges.; Wien. Ent. Mon. Fourc.—Ant. Franc de Fourcroy. Ent. Paris. Forsay.—R. W. Forsayeth. Trans. E. Soc. Frrey.—C. F. Freyer. Neure. Beit. Schmett. Furss.—J. C. Fuessly. Schweiz. Ins. |

Gmet.—Johann Freiderich Gmelin. Syst. Nat.

Gopr.—Jean Baptiste Godart. Ene. Meth.

GopM. AND Satv.—F. du Cane Godman; O. Salvin. Proc. Z. Soc.; Biol. Cent. Am. Rhop.

GorzE.—Johann August Ephriam Goeze. Ent. Beytr.

GRAY.—Geo. Robt. Gray. Cat. Lep. Ins. B. M.; Lep. Ins. Nep.

GuEN.—A. Guenee. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.; Maill. Ruén. Lep.

GueER.—Felix Edward Guerin-Meneville. Voy. Coq.; Voy. Fav.

Guxst.—H. Guest. Trans. R. Soc. 8S. Aust.

Hersst.—Johann Freiderich Wilhelm Herbst. Nat. Schmett.

Herr.-Scurr.—Gottleib August Wilhelm Herrich-Schaeffer. Ex. Schmett.; Schmett. Eur.; Stett. Hnt. Zeit.; Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Eur.

Hew.—Wnm. Chapman Hewitson. Ann. N. H.; Cat. Lyc. B. M.; Descn. Hesp.; Ex. Butt.; Ill. D. Lep.; Jour. L. Soc. Zool.; Trans. E. Soc.

Horrr.—C. H. Hopffer. Pet. Reise Zool.

Horsr.—Thomas Horsefield. Cat. Lep. EH. I. C.-

Horsr. anD Moorzt.—Thomas Horsefield; Frederick Moore. Cat. Lep. EH. I. C.

Hovutt.—Mart. Houttuyn. Nat. Hist. re

Husn.—Jacob Hubner. Eur. Schmett.; Samml. Ex. Schmett.; Tentamen; Verz. bek. Schmett.; Zutr. Ex. Schmett.

Kuein.—N. M. Kheil. Rhop. der Insel. Nias. Kirs.—W. F. Kirby. Cat. D. L.; Cat. D. L. Supp.; Eur. Butt. Kouu.—V. Kollar. Hug. Kasch.

Lane.—H. C. Lang. Butt. Kur.

Latr.—Pierré Andre Latreille. Enc. Meth.; Gen. Crust. Ins.; Hist. Nat. Crust. Lracu.— Wm. Elford Leach. Sam. Comp.; Zool. Misc.

Lrprer.— Julius Lederer. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges.

Lrrcu.—J. H. Leech. Proc. Z. Soc.

Lew.—John Wm. Lewin. Lep. Ins. N.S.W.

Lin.—Carl von Linné. Joh. Ameen. Acad.; Mus. Ulr.; Syst. Nat. Luc.—Hippolyte Lucas. Lep. Ex.; Rev. Zool.; Sagra. Hist. de Cuba.

Lvuo., T. P.—T. P. Lucas. Proc. L. Soc. N.S.W.; Proc. R. Soc. Q. -

Mas.—P. Mabille. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg.; Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr.; Comp. Rend. Ent. Belg.; Pet. Nouv. Ent. Macteay.— Wu. Sharp Macleay. King’s Surv. Aust,


Macrzay, W.—Wwm. Macleay. Proc. HE. Soc. N.S.W.

MarsH. Anp DE Nio.—G. F. L. Marshall; Lionel de Nicéville. Butt. Ind..

Mast.—Geo. Masters. Proc. L. Soc. N.S.W.

Matu.—Gervase N. Mathews. Proc. L. Soc. N.S.W.; Trans. H. Soc.

McOoy.—Fredk. McCoy. Prod. Zool. Vic.

Mrre.—Johann Wilhelm Meigen. Eur. Schmett.

Mrn.—H. Menetries. Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep.

Merrrs.—Nic. Meerburgh. Afb. Zeldz. Gew.

Mryr.—H. Meyriek. Ent. Mo. Mag.; Proc. L. Soc. N.S.W.

Miuu.—Pierré Milliere. Ann. Soc. Lin. Lyon.

Misx.—W. H. Miskin. Ent. Mo. Mag.; Proc. L. Soc. N.S.W.; Proc. RB. Soc. Q. ; Trans. E. Soe.

Montr.—P. le Montrouzier. Ann. 8c. Physe. Nat. Lyon.

Moors.—Frederick Moore. Ann. N. H.; Jour. L. Soc. Zool.; Proc. Z. Soc. ; Lep. Cey.

Mvuu.—Phil. Ludw. Stat. Miller. Naturs.

Murray.—Richd. P. Murray. E. Mo. Mag.; Proc. E. Soe.

NewmM.—Edward Newman. Brit. Butt.

OxBER.—C. Oberthur. Ann. Mus. Gen.

Ocus.— Ferdinand Ochsenheimer. Schmett. Hur.

Out.—A. Sidney Olliff. Ann. N. H.; Aust. Butt.; Proc. L. Soc. N.S.W. Out. AND Forpr.—A. Sidney Olliff; Helena Forde. Scott’s Aust. Lep.

Patt.—Peter Simon Pallas. Reise. Protz.—C. Plotz. Stett. Ent. Zeit. Pritt.—oO. v. Prittwitz. Stett. Ent. Zeit. PRYER.—H. Pryer. Rhop. Nihonica.

Renniz.—James Rennie. -Consp. Ramu.—Joanne Jacabo Remer. Gen. Ins. Rosen.—Rudolph Rosenstock. Ann. N. H. Rort.—S. A. V. Rottenburg. Naturf.

SALV. AND Gopm.—O. Salvin; F. du Cane Godman. Proc. Z. Soc.

Scort.—A. W. Scott. Trans. H. Soc. N.S.W.

ScoupD.—Samuel H. Scudder. Butt. H. U. States; Proc. Am, Acad. Arts and Sc.; Trans. Am. Ent. Soc.

Scur.—F. Schrank. Fauna Boica.

SEMP.—Geo. Semper. Mus. Godff.; Reisen. Phillipp.

SHAW.—-George Shaw. Gen. Zool.; Nat. Misc.

SMITH AND ABB.—Jas. Edwd. Smith; John Abbott. Lep. Georgia.

SNELL.—Joh F. Snelleman. Lep. v. Mid. Sum. ¥

SNELL.—P. C. T. Snellen. Tijd. Ent.

STAUD.—Otto Staudinger. Ex. Schmett.; Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross.

StePH.—Jas. Francis Stephens. Ill. Brit. Ent. Haust.

STOLL.—Caspar Stoll. Supp. Cram. Pap. Ex.

Suntz.—Johann Heinrich Sulzer. Gesch. Ins.

Swarn.—Wm. Swainson. Cab. Cycl.; Phil. Mag.; Zool. Ill.

Swin.—C. Swinhoe. Jour. Bomb. N. H. Soc.; Proc. Z. Soc.; Trans. E. Soc.

Trr.—J. G. O. Tepper. Nat. Ins. 8. Aust.; Trans. R. Soc. 8. Aust. Tuon.—Theodore Thon. Ent. Arch,


THunB.—Carl Peter Thunberg. Mus. Nat. Ups. Trim.—Roland Trimen. Rhop. Afr. Aust.; South Afr. Butt.; Trans. EH. Soc. Turt.—Wm. Turton. Syst. of Nat. .

Vouu.—S. C. van. Snellen Vollenhoven. Faun. Ind.-neerl. Mon. Pier.

Watt.—Alfred R. Wallace. Trans. E. Soc.; Trans. L. Soc. Zool.

Watien.—H. D. J. Wallengren. Eng. Resa.; Kong. Svens. vet. Akad. Hand. ; Lep. Caffr.; Svensk. Acad. Forh.; Wien. Ent. Mon.

Watr.—Francis Walker. Ent.

Westw.—John Obadiah Westwood. Ann. N. H.; Arc. Ent.; Cab. Or. Ent.; Intro. Mod. Class Ins.

Wottas.—T. V. Wollaston. Ann. N. H.

Woop-Mas. anp DE Nic.—J. Wood-Mason; Lionel de Nicéville. Jour. A. Soc. B.

ZINK.—J. L. Th. Fr. Zinken. Nova Acta. Ac. Nat. Cur.


Those works which I have not personally examined are indicated by an asterisk opposite to them. These are principally European periodicals, and generally contain references only to occasional species.

*Arp, ZeLpT. Gew.—Afbeeldingen van Zeeldzaame Gewassen. DMeerb. 1775.

*Awat. Ent.—Analecta Entomologica. Dalm. 1823.

Ann. Mus. Gren.—Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Oberthur. Genoa, 1878.

*Ann. Soc. Ent. Beta.—Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. Mabille. Brussels, 1878.

*Awn. Soc. Ent. Fr.—Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, containing articles by Guenée and Boisduval.

*Awnn. Soc. Lin. Lyon.—Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Mill. 1861.

*Awn. Soc. PHysc. Brux.—Annales Générales des Sciences Physiques. Dup. Bruxelles, 1819.

*Awn. Soc. Puysc. Nat. Lyon.—Annales des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, &c., par la Société Royale, &c., de Lyon. Montr. 1856.

Ann. N. H.—Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London, containing articles by Butler, Doubl., Hew., McCoy., Moore, Oll., Rosen., Westw., Wollas.

Ano. Ent.—Arcana Entomologica. Westwood. London, 1841-5.

Aust. Burr.—Australian Butterflies. 4. Sidney Olliff. Sydney, 1889.

Avs. Scumett.—Die Auslandischen oder die Ausserhalb Europa zur Zeit, &c., &e. Esper. Erlangen, 1785-98.

B. M. Car. Fas. Lep.—Catalogue of the Diurnal Lepidoptera* described by Fabricius, in the Collection of the British Museum. Butler. London, 1869.

*Biou. Cent. AMER. RuHOopP. —Biologia Centrali Americana. Godm. and Salv. 1879.

Brit. Burr.—Natural History of British Butterflies and Moths. Newman. 1874.

*Buxu. Soc. Zoou. Fr.— Bulletin de la Sociétié Zoologique de France. Mab. Paris, 1876.

*Bourt. E. U. Stares.—Butterflies of the Eastern United States. Scudd. 1889.

*Burr. Eur.—Rhopalocera Europe Descripta et Delineata; The Butterflies of Europe, &c. Lang. 1885.

Burr. Inp.—The Butterflies of India, Burmah, and Ceylon. Marsh. and de Nic. London.

*Cas. Crci.—Swain. 1840.

Cas. Orn. Ent.—Cabinet of Oriental Entomology. Westwood. Tondon, 1848.

Car. Burr. N.Z.—Catalogue of the Butterflies of New Zealand. nnys. 1880.

Cat. D. oe .—A Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Kirby. London, 1871

Cat. D. L. Supr.--Supplement to same. 1877.

Car. Ler. EH, I. C.—Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company. Horsefield and Moore. London, 1858-9,


Cat. Ler. E. I. C—A Descriptive Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects con- tained in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company. Horsefield. London. 1828. ;

*Cat. Lup. Fr.—Catalogue Methodique des Lepidopteres, &c.: a I Histoire Naturelle de Lepidopteres de France. Dup. 1846.

Cat. Ler. Ins. B. M.—Catalogue of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. G'ray. London, 1852.

Car. Lycomn. B. M.—Specimen of a Catalogue of Lycenide in the British Museum. Hewitson. 1862.

*Cat. Mus. Petr. Lep—HEnumeratio Corporum Animalium Musei Imperialis Academie Scientiarum Petropolitane. Men. St. Petersburg, 1855-7.

Car. Sat. B. M.—Catalogue of the Satyride in the British Museum. Butler. 1868.

Cist. Ent.—Cistula Entomologica sivi Insectorum, &c. Butler.

*Comprs. Renpd. Ent. Bexue.—Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Soc. Entom. de Belgique. Madille. 1883. *Consp.—Alphabet of Insects for the Use of Beginners. Rennie. London. 1832.

Cruise Curacoa.—Brenchley’s Cruise of the “Curagoa.” Appendix: Ento- mology, Lepidoptera. A. G. Butler. 1873.

*Diac. Lep.—Feld. 1859. Dzsc. Husp.—Description of new species of Hesperide. Hewitson. London, 1867-9.

Enc. D’Hist. Nar. Par. Diur.—Encyclopedie D’Histoire Naturelle Papillons. Chenu. 1869. Enc. Mrtu.—Encyclopédie Methodique Histoire Naturelle Entomologie, &c. Articles by Godart and Latreille. Paris, 1819-23. *¥Hne. Resa—Wallen. 1861. Ent.—The Entomologist, London, containing articles by Butler, Cox, Walker. *Hnt. ARcH.—Hntomologisches Archives. Zhon. Jena, 1828. *Hwr. Breyrr.—Entomologische Beitrage zu des Ritter, &c. Goeze. Leipzig, ATO. Ent. Mo. Mac.—The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, London, containing articles by Butler, Hewitson, Meyrick, Miskin, Murray. *ENT. Paris. Entomologia Parisiensis, &e. Foure. Paris, 1785. Ent. Sysv. = Entomologia Systematica, &e. Fabricius, 1793-4. *Enum. Ins.—Enumeratio Insectorum in Museo Auctoris, Billb. Holmie. 1820. Ever. Burr.—A Manual of European Butterflies. Kirby. London, 1862. *Hur. SCHMETT.—Systematische Beschreibung der Huropiischen Schmetterlinge. Meigen. Leipzig, 1829-32. *Hur. SCHMETT.—Geschichte Huropaischer Schmetterlinge Gesammelt. Hubner. Augsberg, 1798-1803. Ex. Burt.—lLllustrations of new species of Exotic Butterflies. Hewittson. London, 1851-71. *Hx. ScumetTr.—LExotische Schmetterlinge. Staud. 1885. Ex. Scumert.—Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter ausser Europaischer Schmetterlinge. Herrich-Schaeffer. Regensburg, 1850-58.

*Faun. Botca.—Fauna Boica. Schr. 1801.

*Faun. IND-NEERL. Mon. PiER.—Voll. 1865.

*RKaun. Map.—Faune Hntomologique de Madagascar, &ce. Boisduval. Paris, 1833.

*GEN. Crust. [ns.—Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum, &. Latreille. Paris, 1806-9.

Grn. D. L.—The Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Doubleday, Hewitson, and Westwood. London, 1846-52. :


*GeEN. ET IND. Meru.—Genera et Index Methodicus Europeorum Lepidopterorum.

Boisduval. 1840. Gun. Ins.—Genera Insectorum. Ramer. 1789.

*Gun. Ins.—Genera Insectorum, &c. Fabricius. 1776.

*GuN. Zoou.—General Zoology of Systematic Natural History. Shaw. 1806.

*GuscH. Hur. SchmetTr.—Die Huropaischen Schmetterlinge, &. Hsp. Leipzig, 1806-18.

*GuscoH. Ins.—Abgekiirzte Geschichte der Insecten nach dem WUinnaeischen System. Sulzer. 1776.

*Hist. Nar. Crusv.—Histoire Naturelle, Générale et particuliére des Ciustaces et des Insectes, &c. Latreille. Paris, 1802-5.

*Hist. Nar. Ins.—Histoire Naturelle des Insects. Blanch. Paris, 1840.

*Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross.—Hore Societatis Entomologice Rossice. Staud. St. Petersburg, 1875.

*Hua@. Kascn.—Aufzahlung Beschreib. d. v. Hiigel auf seiner Reise durch Kaschimir gessam Insecten. oll. 1848.

*Icones.—Icones Insectorum rariorum cum nominibus eorum trivialibus locisque C. Linnaei Syst. Nat. allegatis. Clerck. Holmie, 1759-64.

*Inu. Brit. Hnr. Havusr.—lIllustrations of British Entomology, &e. Stephens. London, 1827-46.

Inp. D. Lep,—Illustrations ‘of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Hewitson. London, 1862-78.

Inn. Ex. Enr.—TIllustrations of Natural History, &c. Drury. London, 1770-82.

*Tupt. Mag.—lIlliger’s Magazin fur Insectenkunde. Fabricius. 1807.

Ins. Coina.—The Insects of China. Donovan. 1758.

Ins. Inp14.—The Insects of India. Donovan. 1800.

Ins. N. H.—The Insects of New Holland. Donovan. 1805. .

Int. Mop. Crass. Ins.—Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects. Westwood. 1839-40.

#Jou. Ama@n. AcapD.—Ameenitates Academics, seu Dissertationes Varie, &c. Linne. 1749-64.

*Jour. A. Soc. Brne.—Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, containing articles by de Niceville, Doherty, and Wood-Mason and de Nic

#Jour. Boms. N. H. Soc.—Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Swinhoe 1887.

Jour. Enr.—Journal of Entomology. Bates. 1862-6.

Jour. L. Soo. Zoou.— Journal of the Linnean Society, London. Articles by Hewitson, Moore.

Kine’s Surv. Aust.—King’s Survey of Australia. App. Lepidoptera. Macleay. 1827. *Kon@L. sv. ver. AkAD. Hanpu.—Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar. Articles by Dalman, Wallengren, and Aurivill, Stockholm, 1816. *KOTZEB. REISE.—Kotzebue’s Reise um die Welt in den Jahren. sch. 1830.

*Lep. Amer. Supr.—Histoire Générale et Iconographique des Lepidopteres de Amerique Septentrionale. Boisduval and Leconte. Paris, 1833.

*Lrep. Carrr.—Kafferlandets Dag-fjarilar, &c., in Kongl. sv. vet. Akad. Handl. Wallen. 1857.

Ler. Cry.—The Lepidoptera of Ceylon. Moore. 1880-1.

_Lrp. Kx.—Lepidoptera Exotica, &&. Butler. 1869-74.

Ler. Ex.—Histoire Naturelle de Lepidopteres Exotiques. Lucas. Paris, 1835.


*LEP. Grorgia.—The Natural History of the Rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia. Abbott and Smith. London, 1797.

*Lup. Ins..Nep.—The Lepidopterous Insects ‘of Nepaul. Gray. London, 1846.

Ler. Ins. N.S.W.—The Lepidopterous Insects of New South Wales. Lewin. 1822.

Lepr. Ins. N.Z.—Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of New Zealand. Butler. 1874.

*Lep. Pep.—Lepidopterorum Pedemontana. De Prun. Taurin, 1798.

*LEP. v. Mip. Sum.—Reizen in Midden Sumatra Insects. Snelleman. Leiden, 1880.

List. Lup. B. M.—List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the British Museum. Doubleday. London, 1844.

*Marity. Ruen. Ler.—Guen. 1863. Manr. Ins.—Mantissa Insectorum, &c. Fabricius. 1787. Mus. Goprr.—Journal des Museum Godeffroy. Beitrag zur Rhopalocerenfauna Australien. Semper. 1878. *Mus. Nar. Urs.—Museum Naturalium Academie Upsaliensis. Thunb. 1804. *Mus. Utr.—Museum S.: x». R.: 2. M.: tis Ludovice Ulrice Regine Svecorum, &e. Linne. 1704,

*NatuRs.—Linne’s Natursystem. Mull. 1774.

*NatTURF.—Naturforscher. Rott. 1775.

*Navt. Hist.—Natuurlyke Historie of Uitvoerige Beschryving der Dierer, &e.

Houtt. Amsterdam, 1767.

Nat. Ins. 8. Aust.—Common Native Insects of South Australia—Lepidoptera. Tep. 1890. i

*Nat. Misc.—The Naturalists’ Miscellany. Shaw. 1790-1813.

*NAT. SCHMETT.—Natursystem Aller bekannten in und Auslandischen Insecten,

&e. Herbst. 1792.

*Nat. Rep.—'The Naturalist’s Repository. Donovan. London, 1823-7.

*NevRE. Beit. ScumMetTT.—Neuere Beitrage zur Schmetterlingskunde, &. reyer. Augsburg, 1844.

*NeveEs Lep.—Hin Neues Lepidopteron aus der Familie der Nymphaliden, &ce. Felder. 1861.

* NomMEeNncL.—Nomenclatur und Beschreibung der Insecten, &c. Bergstrasser. Hanau, 1779.

*Nova Acta Ac. Nar. Cur.—Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academia, C. L. C. Nature Curiosorum. Zink. 1831.

*Orvy. vet. Ax. Forn. —Cifversigt af k. vetenskaps Akademiens Foérhandlingar. Auriv. 1879.

Pap. Hx.—Papillons Exotiques, &. Cramer. 1779-82.

*Put. Nouv. Hnt.—Petites Nouv. Entomologiques. Mabille. Paris, 1878.

*PreT. ReIs—E ZooLt.— Hopf. 1862.

*Puit. Mag.—Philosophical Magazine. Swain. 1827.

*Proo. AMER. AcAD. ARTS AND Sc.—Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Seudd. Boston.

Proc. H. Soc.—Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. Murray. 1875.

Proc. E. Soc. N.S.W.—Proceedings of the Entomological Society of New South Wales. W. Macleay. Sydney, 1866.

Proc. L. Soc. N.S.W.—Proceedings of the Linnzan Society of New South Wales. Articles by Meyrick, Mathew, Miskin, Masters, Olliff, and T. P. Lucas. Sydney.


_ Proc. R. Soc. Qpv.-—Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. ‘Articles by Miskin and T. P. Lucas. Brisbane.

Proc. Z. Soc.—Proceedings of the Zoological Society, London, containing articles by Salv. and Godm., Butler, Moore, Elwes, Druce, Swinhoe, Leech.

Prop. Zoou. Vic.—Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria. MeCoy.. Melbourne.

“**Retse.—Reise durch Verscheidene Provinzen des Russichen, &c. Pall, St. Petersburg, 1770-81. *REISEN.—Reisen in Ost-Africa. Decken. 1873. Rets—E Nov. Lep.—Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara Lepidoptera. Felder. Vienna, 1864-7. ReEIseN PurLtipp.—Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen. Semp. 1888. *Rev. Zoou.—Revue et Magazin Zoologie, Paris. Articles by Feisth. and Lucas. *Ruyop. DER Insu~L Nias.—Die Rhopalocera der Insel Nias. Kheil. Berlin, 1884. Ruop. Arr. Aust.—Rhopalocera Africe Australis. Zrimen. Capetown, 1862. Ruop. Matay.—Rhopalocera Malayana. Distant. London, 1883-6. *Ruop. Nrwontca.—Rhopalocera Nihonica. A description of the Butterflies of Japan. Pryer. 1888.

*Sacra. Hist. pp Cuspa.—Sagra’s Historie Physique et Politique et Naturelle de VIsle de Cuba, Animaux Articules. Lepidoptera by Lucas. Paris, 1857.

*Sam. Comp.—Samouiles’, The Entomologist’s Useful Compendium. Leach. London, 1819.

Sammu. Ex. Soumutr.—Sammlung Exotischer Schmetterlinge, &e. Hubms. 1816-36.

*ScoumMetTtT.—Die Europiischen Schmetterlinge, &e. sp. 1778.

*Scumetr. Eur.—Die Schmetterlinge von Europa. Ochs. Leipzig, 1816.

*ScumETT. Eur.—Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa, &c. Herrich- Schaeffer. 1844.

*Scuweiz. Ins.—Verzeichniss der ihm bekannten Schweizerischen Insecten. Feuss. Gurich, 1775.

Scorr’s Aust. Lep.—Scott’s Australian Lepidoptera, &e. Olliff and Forde. Sydney, 1890.

*Sirz. Ak. Wiss. Wien. Mata. Nar.—Sitzungsberichte der Mathematische- Naturwissenschaftlichen class der Akademie der Wissenschaften. eld. Vienna, 1860.

*Souta Ar. Burr.—South African Butterflies, &e. Trimen and Bowker. 1887-9.

Sp. Gen.—Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Species Général des Lepidopteres. Boisduval. Paris, 1836. Sp. Ins.—Species Insectorum, &e. Fabricius. 1781.

*Srerr. Enr. Zerr.—Zeitung Herausgegeben von dem Entomologische Vereine zu Stettin, containing articles by Herr.-Schff., Pritt., Plotz.

Stokes’ Aust:—Stokes’s Discoveries in Australia. Appendix, Lepidoptera. Doubl. 1841.

Supp. CRAMER'S Pap. Ex.—Supplement to Cramer’s Papillons Exotiques. Stoll. Amsterdam, 1789-91.

*SvENSK. Acap. Foru.—Ofversigt af Kongl vetenskaps Akademiens Forhand- lingar. Wallen. 1858.

*Syst. Bears. Scumetr. Eur.—Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Kuropa, &. Herrich-Schaeffer. 1843.

*SystT. Enr.—Systema Entomologia, &e. Fabricius. 1775.

*Syst. Nar.—Caroli a Linné Systema Nature. Gmelin. 1790.

*Syst. Nar.—Systema Nature per Regna Tria Nature, &e. Linne. 1758-67.

Syst. or Narurn.—A General System of Nature, &c., by Linne. Translated. Turton. 1806.


*Tanu. Euem.—Tableau Hlémentaire de l Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. Cwv.. Paris, 1799. *TENTAMEN.—Hubn. 1806. *Tisp. Hnt.—Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Snell. The Hague. 1876. *Trans. AMER. Hut. Soo.—Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Scudder. 1877. Trans. E. Soc.—Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, containing articles by Butler, Hewitson, Mathew, Miskin, Swinhoe, Trimen, Wallace, : . Lorsayeth. Trans. K. Soc. N.S.W.—Transactions of the Entomological Society of New South Wales. Scott. Sydney. Trans. L. Soc. Zoot.—Transactions of the Linnean Society—Zoology. London. Containing articles by Bates, Butler, Wallace. Trans. R. Soc. 8.A.—Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. Adelaide. Articles